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How many towels should be in the bathroom

How many towels should be in the bathroom

In the bathroom it is important to have not one bath towel, but also towels for the face, hands and feet. Some do not understand why buying so many towels, if you can take one bath? But in vain! Towels are a subject of hygiene, sooner or later you still have to purchase all kinds of them. Therefore, when purchasing towels for the bathroom, it is most convenient to choose sets.

What is the difference between towels for face, hands and feet from bath towels? Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. In the use of towels, it is important to ensure not only hygiene, but also amenities, and therefore special towels are much smaller in comparison with the bath. As a rule, such towels are less than two times, or even three, and more often they are thinner, although their density may not be much less. For sewing special towels for hands, feet and face, other types of fabrics can be used, a slightly different texture than for bath towels.

How to choose a bath towel to be satisfied with the choice made?

The towel should be comfortable - bath towels for the body are specially sewn in large sizes, but towels for hygiene, on the contrary, are 2 or 3 times smaller.

Choose a towel size in which you cannot get confused, but which will be enough in terms of comfort;

Moisture absorption - must be at the highest level;

A stiffer towel has a massage effect, but for the face - you need to buy only soft and tender;

A crumbling structure is a sign of poor quality and soon wear. Buy towels that hold structure and shape well.
